Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Poesy - Note 28th April, 2016

They took my poems
         my cardboard box with envelopes
poems written all over them with vague lines differentiating

the junkyard guy took it
            my people gave it away
they thought it may be college notes
nobody believes in them notes, what would he do with this crap
                          They felt
do you know how difficult it is to come up with something
     a lot of my love was designed on those pages
I had ideas that need to be seen
dealt with

I needed to know how I will love her
   when I shall meet her
it had details
                     the holding of the hand
the cusp of the chin, my finger playing with her hair
I would see the tufts of thin hair wafting in the wind, on her back
                     when she's out of the shower, and I shall watch it sway in the light
 the twist of her lips and when I shall kiss the upper lip
                     and when I shall touch the lower ones her smell in company
the breathing heavily drawn

you gave it all away to the junkyard guy
               he is going to burn it all and then them embers shall fly
I shall not even breathe it
                 some passerby's shall take it in and their lungs would curdle up a few visions
and she may say how come I am thinking such,
                     till yester, I was breathing fine, now I feel a tug in my heart
I am not choking but a tug
How shall I find out how I loved her then
                   on that day on that hour
           now it is different day and hour
everyday I shall love different but you need the past to build the present

please do not take my poems
                     she and these are all that I have.....
I keep sane among'st you 'coz of  her and my love for her and my words...

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