Thursday, 28 April 2016

Note - Poesy - 28 April, 2016

Your laughter embalms my heartfelt pains

Your lithe, little hands endorse my future plans


Gather me up enough a word, I pray,
              Lest I should wither unto life's second hour today,
Let the prejudices, contemplation's, imaginations and love huddle together, and
             Brim within of me,
Lest I forget the mortality in the units of my expression.


Let us seek in the dawn of space the pleasure of effervescent mornings
Let us seek within of our life the leisure of anxious adoration
Let us seek in the dusk of time the delight of vivacious nights
Let us seek outside of our life the sanctity of fretful worship
Let us be seekers on all sides and love each other like none other.


                                                      A kiss...just in case


When I hold you I hold everything that is --
            sand, space, time, the tree of the rain,

everything is alive so that I can be alive within of you:
                                    without moving I can see it all:
in your life I see everything that lives.

And that is all there is to it, nothing else, dear, YOU…


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