Thursday, 28 April 2016

Dreamy moorings - Note - 28th April, 2016

Whence did God create this penance
this silent orchard of love
How sublime it stands at the crossroads
at the mercy of all that we humans concur

How delicate is its peaceful resonance
the hills clad in benign white of the clouds
in memory of some long lost hope
How parched are the sands of time seeking its place in history

How doth one not seek spirituality here
the language of the hills speak only thus
How I feel the silence of love within the cold confines
How does one stay away from green presence of long bound hills

Do we not seek nirvana here, do we not know about it here
Our body embraces the vanity of our thoughts
It mingles and minuscules itself to silent multitudes
How far do we walk in search of why we seek what
Do we not just need to come among this presence just to let go

Let the mind wander, that  I did in silent penance
Let the body take in the calmness of the faraway hills
Let my time creep out as and when it burrows itself
Let me be me today, cause nothing else can understand the oneness of  me
and the colors around and you, of course...


I seek to gain the erudition of my love
                I seek to bind myself to this thought and knowledge
As the fir and the shrub and meadows
                              lighten up with the touch of the milder dew
and the rain clouds gather its darkened shields to pour on us
                                 its glorious vanities
So I seek penance in the thought of you...

I watch from under green roofs,
                             with the smell of the wet grass and sand
and find my answers for God has seldom given such comeuppance and glory
                                to places much vaster and beautiful
for here I watch God reside and love
                                          and give in heavy abundance the seeker of wisdom
the clarity of pure thought and the silent yearnings of my love
                                 come joyously dancing to mirror the thought of
yet another wanderer lusting to glance beyond
                                          the measure that's been given in deliverance.

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