Thursday, 19 May 2016

Poesy - 20th May 2016

A magic moment I remember:
I raised my eyes and you were there,
A fleeting vision, the quintessence
Of all that's beautiful and rare.

I pray to mute despair and anguish,
To vain pursuits the world esteems,
Long did I near your soothing accents,
Long did your features haunt my dreams.

Time passed. A rebel storm-blast scattered
The reveries that once were mine
And I forgot your soothing accents,
Your features gracefully divine.

In dark days of enforced retirement
I gazed upon grey skies above
With no ideals to inspire me,
No one to cry for, live for, love.

Then came a moment of renaissance,
I looked up - you again are there,
A fleeting vision, the quintessence
Of all that`s beautiful and rare.

I stand testimony of change
from a shrub to a tree of life
I'm immersed in the wisdom of time
its delivered to me thru' ages
the river below the ravine flows wild
but its rage has mellowed

this terrain,this li'l hill I stand,
since time started moving fast, has
changed from the untrammeled horizon
emblazoned in a feral panorama of green
to this manicured, man-made expanse
colorful, yet lost in its chiseled vision

How many a man has traversed this path
a constant reminder of all things formed,
fashioned by the steady flow of mankind
they have traipsed thru the woods
in search of space
cutting through the dense foliage
                              braced and created
to call it exploration and settlement


Why am I so bound to your rhythms?
Your little fingers moves and my mind evolves from within
your heart skips a beat in fear
and I fear the consequence of its beat
You sing in murmured tones
and my heart breathes freely, ceremoniously

where were you when I wept and dreamt heavy?
where were you whence my horizons never had the sun?
Was it you when I felt pangs of pain,
at times when things were good for me?
did you ever feel a bereaving sensation
and never knew why and for what?
Do you feel it must have been me, someplace
deep in anguish and despair?
whence did our twains meet?
was it when you cried out loud first
when light permeated thru' your li'l eyes?

I have walked a million roads
traversed paths hitherto unheard of
in search of what I never knew then
Now whence I've found my destiny, I weep
I weep in joy, for the clarity of my vision
I weep in sorrow, for the love I could've gathered

I embrace you as my heart beats deep and subtle
fearful never to lose you..
watching as the horizon slowly lightens up
a million promises and boundless colors
brimming all over the expanse
and I shudder, my deepest contours, blissful
filled with overflowing happiness

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