Friday, 6 May 2016

Note - Poesy - 6th May 2016

Why is it that the doors are locked?
why is the sun shining the other way?
why are the windows bolted? always;
Would you tell me the stories,
locked within those crossed arms
why is it that you are so near yet so far away?

Engrossed within your own world,
dreaming dreams of eternal peace,
harnessing li'l white fences for tomorrow
when would you deviate from the penance
and walk with me to the paradise
I've recreated a million times
on paper, pen and mental imagery
for the one who evokes within me
the need to be loved and and to love.
To dream and em-bosom undefined glory
endless aimlessness reaching out
for the zenith of attainment
All for the one, in patience today, I wait.

And I ask unto you,
would you walk with me the pristine beaches'?
would you take my hand to watch the sun rise up?
would you be proudly by me when lights would be on us?
Would you unlock the heavy heart and pour
the wisdom and naughty nothings for me,?
why is it that you are so much mine and yet not mine?

You seem to be at peace, within yourself
preparing for some great tomorrow,
do you include this me who awaits that day,
how many a story I've told you in my silent thoughts?
how many a future path I've traversed with you by me?
dreams transpiring with you talking of your tomorrows
I'd love to walk with you unto life's last sleep,
your smell shall become a habit,
your kiss my manna from heaven
do walk that door once and open those lithe arms
And I'll carry you through life
as if there's no tomorrow, every day a gift.

Talk unto me, my dear, this day
I'll listen every hour, as, for me
Its a privilege equaling tales of wisdom

Eloquence breeds from the way the roots where sown
How do you breed if the grounds where not fertile enough
Isn't there an intrinsic beauty in the long expanses of the desert
Isn't the bland cactus a personification of beauty
Almost everything has its charm,
even dirt has its charm
so do not speak to me of fertility and need based growth,
everything in its place is wonderful

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