Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Its a Sick World, Hon.....

I'm down in the deep depths hon,
                    I dunno how far more I can hide in this abysmal hole

a little orphaned girl, physically abused
I helped her smile in my own little way
              It took me a month to three for her to give me a glimpse
that her heart still has a flicker that can light a beam on her
       She started singing a week before
and when she spoke and sang to me over the phone
                  a light flickered in me - I can give hope

They flipped her shut, hon, again
               what is it this monster saw in this little girl
she had frail fingers and a tiny body
         none of her delights or smiles could pilfer lust
I am also a man, I can also see, what is it they see, hon, these monsters

She sat in a corner, not a single tear
        I just sat and watched the room closing in on us
a slight yellow light flickering
         the heat was cumbersome, the stench of sweat mingled with the grief
I wished I could hold her, hug her, take her home
         I could have, isn't it, hon, I could've

All this that my heart weeps for
           my brain runs into rationale
I sat there an hour or more
         not a song not a word not even an uneven breath
she did not even once glance at me
       I am also a man, you see,
She knows of me unlike the others, but she knows not, right, in real
how shall I try to pick up the pieces again
            Will those lips ever part for a smile

I need you to be here, by me, today, honey,
           I just want to be alone.....
You are the only faith I have left of humanity
               I don't trust no one and nothing
It is a sick world we live in...........
         my love
I am drowning in the sick smog that envelops around
            there is so much pain...
It drains, my love, just hold me for this day
               do not speak
touch me, just to let me know
               this is not a dreary delirium of  depressing decadence

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